Building Joy

little red boat in a cove

My therapist moved to Florida and the last bit of advice she gave me was to play more and seek out joy. The way I’m thinking about this advice, I should also be a touch less hardworking. One of the quality-of-life measures I instituted in 2019 was to have a slow start each day. I take my time in the morning, have coffee, eat something, take a shower, and only then look at my emails and to-do list. This is one of the ways I try to make time for myself, be more present, and rush less.

I’m anti resolution, but I am in favor of choosing what to bring into my life. So my 2020 wish is for joyfulness and playfulness. I’m still thinking about how to institute this (yes, I want a structured process for my unscheduled joy). I have a few ideas in no particular order. Spontaneity: I want to be more whimsical with my free time. Creativity: I want to write, draw, make, carve, decorate, or put something shiny on at least weekly. Newness: I want to try new things, go outside my comfort zone and enjoy being terrible at new things. Nature: I want to go outside more, ideally among trees, mountains, or near the sea. Art: I want to go see live performances, and exhibits at museums and galleries–I want to be inspired by the work of others. Movement (self explanatory). Community: continue to build my multiple communities. I will also continue doing the things that currently bring me joy: reading fiction, seeing friends, eating new foods.

What do you want to bring into your life in 2020? How can you think of it in terms of calling in joy instead of disapproving of your life of yore?